COVID19 The Monetization of Fear

COVID19: The Monetization of Fear

COVID19 The Monetization of Fear

Does the COVID19 pandemic narrative make sense? Has the ‘solution’ been worse than the ‘problem’? Is it possible that the COVID19 pandemic narrative, or parts of it, might not be true? Fake news and big media make it hard to know what is true and what is false. It’s hard to trace what money or forces are behind the media. The only way to find out is to spend many, many hours researching for yourself, thinking for yourself, and going down every rabbit hole. I could spend years writing this article and going down each rabbit hole to justify my thoughts. Instead, I offer more of an overview with some references and links for the rabbit-hole investigators to follow.


I call it as I see it, and am not afraid. If they take this site down or de-rank it, at least I will sleep well knowing that I was neither afraid nor bought.

The COVID19 pandemic is a brilliant monetization of fear. Make people afraid so they lose the ability think for themselves. Then they behave like herd animals following the media they are fed. Dissenters are labeled as “COVIDiots” or “Conspiracy Theorists” by the media that the majority are consuming. Meanwhile the rich get richer and the poor get left behind.
All hope lies with us, the everyday people, to take back our lives, voices, choices, and ability to think for ourselves.
Common Sense: Things That Don’t Add Up

COVID19 Isn’t Very Deadly

The World Was Already Afraid and Anxious

Censorship of Dissenting Opinions

COVID19’s Monetization of Fear – Follow the Money

What Will The Future Hold?

What Can We Do?


Common Sense: Things That Don’t Add Up

“There’s a certain level of stupidity to all this COVID19 stuff.” –My Mom, age 76
Here’s my top list of items during COVID19 that didn’t make sense:

  • Why is it safe to wait in line at Wal-Mart or Target with hundreds of other people, but it’s not safe for small businesses to be open?
  • How can there be so many COVID19 counting irregularities?
  • Why is it so hard to find information on solutions besides vaccines? Do sleep, diet, hydration, exercise, sunlight, emotional state, and metabolic health not matter?
  • Why do hospitals get more money for COVID19 patients than they do for other patients?
  • Aren’t beaches, parks and gyms health-promoting activities? Why are they closed?
  • A BLM protest is safe, but a Trump rally poses COVID19 threat. Or the other way around, depending which media you are reading.
  • Why are liquor stores, ice cream shops, and smoke shops still open? If the government wants me to be healthy, shouldn’t they close those stores?
  • Why are sugar, processed foods, alcohol, cigarettes, not banned because they make people sick?
  • You can get your hair cut in a different county 5 miles away, but not in the county in which you live (ahem California).
  • COIVD19 is less deadly than the flu. Why are lockdowns, restrictions and mandates not put in place for flu season every year? Is this how we are going to manage flu season moving forward?
  • If masks and social distancing work so well, then why have states with mandates not done better than those without?
  • Many posts, interviews, and articles from MDs, PhDs, and scientists nerding out about COVID19 were removed or flagged for false information. Why are so many MDs, scientists and health professionals being silenced?
  • Why have so many scientific papers about topics like mask wearing been retracted or mysteriously scrubbed from the internet?
  • If the vaccine is so safe, why is there no liability for vaccine manufacturers?
  • Why are some hospitals in California closing or closing wings due to lack of patients /funding?
  • Where are the basic questions like ‘What is normal hospital capacity for this time of year?’ or ‘How do COVID19 deaths compare to cancer (or other disease) deaths?’ or ‘How can COVID19 corrected numbers be so far off?’


COVID19 Isn’t Very Deadly

Thank goodness COVID19 isn’t very deadly. These days, you can find studies, science, medical ghostwriting and models that show any death rate you want to justify. Many of them are based on computer simulations, not on actual data. It takes an enormous amount of time to sort through the weeds and figure out which to believe. Personally, I think the best science we have on this is the work of Dr. Jay Battacharya from Stanford. His work indicates a death rate of 0.2%-0.3%. That rate is 5% if you are over age 70, and 0.05% if you are under 70. This means COVID19 is slightly more deadly than the common cold, but less deadly than the flu.
There are now 41k medical practitioners and 13k scientists who have signed the Great Barrington Declaration, a document that raises concerns about lockdown policies relative to the severity of the disease.

The CDC actually admitted “For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned.” So instead of 538k current US deaths from COVID19, that makes 32k deaths…

The World Was Already Afraid and Anxious

“Most of the patients we’ve treated with COVID were honestly more anxious than they were sick.” – Dr. Rebecca Miller, in January 12th interview with Camelback Recovery, minute 6:35.

The world was afraid before COVID19. Why? Two fundamental addictions have caused the rise in anxiety and depression in the world: food (sugar and processed) and media.
The sugar and processed food industry has done a fabulous job covering up the link between sugar / processed foods and modern diseases like cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression ,anxiety, addictive behaviors to name a few. Secrets of sugar offers a deep dive into the big money behind our sugar addiction. As they point out, research funding to study the link between sugars and any kinds of disease is difficult to come by.
Social media use has been linked to an increase in anxiety. There are also links between general screen time and anxiety. I’m no expert on this topic, so I refer the reader to Professor Cal Newport for more details- both his TedEx talk and books.
The human panic buttons were primed before COVID19 arrived.

Censorship of Dissenting Opinions

“It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry.” –Thomas Paine
“Our freedom to seek and state the truth is at risk.” –Dr. Scott Atlas
Starting in 2019, I was alerted by Robb Wolfe that Google had a new algorithm to decrease traffic to ‘alternative’ health sites. It appears mainstream health sites were boosted in the process:

The web was already primed and ready to de-rate conflicting information.
Pretty early on in the COVID19 media panic anyone who questioned the mainstream WHO or CDC narrative was labeled a “COVIDiot” or “Conspiracy Theorist.” This included many prominent scientists, professors and medical doctors, from some of the best universities in the country. They were blocked on Youtube, Facebook, Search results, etc. Dr. Barke on COVID19: “Any time there’s a narrative that isn’t in line with the mainstream narrative, it’s either not shown, it’s banned, or it’s viciously attacked… I’m attacked for having a different position.”

The ‘simulated’ Event 201 under #7 of Recommendations states “Governments and the private sector should assign a greater priority to developing methods to combat mis- and disinformation prior to the next pandemic response. Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop nimble approaches to countering misinformation…. For their part, media companies should commit to ensuring that authoritative messages are prioritized and that false messages are suppressed including though the use of technology.”

Let’s define Wakefield’ed: When pharma controls mainstream media and uses blackmail, threatens, trolls, bribes, slanders and lies in an attempt to discredit and destroy any researcher or medical professional’s reputation and career who has attempted to highlight the corruption and lack of pharmaceutical accountability and safety. The term stems from Dr. Andrew Wakefield and how his medical license and reputation were ruined for his questioning of vaccines. After COVID19, we are witnessing thousands of doctors, scientists, medical professionals, PhDs, and thoughtful citizens being “Wakefield’ed” on platforms like Google, Facebook, Youtube, etc. My favorite “Wakefielded” professionals? Dr. Rajiv Bhatia, Dr. Jay Battacharya, Dr. John Ioannidis, Judy Mikovits PhD, Dr. David Martin, Dr. Klinghardt, Dr. Ted Noel, Dr. Rebecca Miller, Dr. Mercola, and it looks like AVFC advocacy too. Try posting one of these doctor interviews for yourself, and you’ll see what I mean. Facebook actually warned me that they would rank ALL my content lower if I shared content from some of these professionals about COVID19. Wow.

If information is false, then prove it. Offer up an argument with references to make your case. Discussion, dialog, learning, seeking truth. Censoring, banning and de-rating reeks of a cover-up…
For more information on Big Tech, media and fact checkers, here are some interesting articles: “Big Tech is Controlling What You See Online” and “Press in His Pocket: Bill Gates Buys Media to Control the Messaging” and “RFK Jr. Opens Can of Worms”.

COVID19’s Monetization of Fear – Follow the Money

It’s clear that Big Pharma has made a huge payday from the COVID19 ‘vaccine.’ Two ‘vaccines’ for everyone in the world, paid for by government and with no manufacturer liability=PAYDAY[1] !! Current estimates are for a total of $43.4 billion combined in vaccine revenues in 2021. Plus a likely booster shot every year. Plandemic goes down this rabbit hole of tracking COVID19 vaccine money back to the source.
Big Pharma this isn’t the full story. Why did Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. tell employees in the summer of 2020 to work from home until the summer of 2021? How do they know this information so far in advance?

Date Announced…Work From Home Until…
TwitterMay 2020Forever
GoogleJuly 2020July 2021
FacebookAugust 2020July 2021
AmazonOctober 2020June 2021


Media use is up due to the lockdowns. Stay-at-home orders, business closures, school closures meant everyone was online – toddlers, parents, grandparents, professionals… Everyone glued to a screen. Streaming video up 75%, internet use up 70%, social media use up 50%, social media usage is up by teens 63%. This means more users, more minutes, more ads, more money… I leave it as an exercise for the reader to go look up stock prices, some of which have doubled from March 2020 to March 2021…

This isn’t just about Big Pharma money, it’s about Big Tech and Big Media money. Ghostwrite scientific studies about how education is better online, quality of life is better working from home, etc. The key to it all is keeping the public addicted to the media they are fed.

What Will The Future Hold?

Where is COVID19 and the future of society headed? Who knows really, but here’s what I see:

  • Continued push of fear in the media – new deadly strains and mutations of COVID19. The fear helps keep vaccine sales up and people at home online more, both of which are lucrative.
  • “I think the number of COVID cases is going to drop dramatically. Not because COVID has disappeared…. they are going to change the definition of COVID… so it looks like the vaccine worked…” – C. Hildebrand, starting at minute 14. We are already seeing a reduction in PCR test cycles, resulting in fewer COVID19 positive tests. I’m betting they will increase the cycles again in the fall when it’s time to sell the booster shot. Maybe they’ll even push for lockdowns again, just to make sure people are still screen addicted.
  • Dissenting and questioning opinions will be more censored than ever. They are bad for business.
  • Civil liberties will be restricted as much as possible to promote online addictions that drive profits. “You cannot afford to be manipulated by the fake divisions of Left & Right, Republican & Democrat on any issue. The Establishment wants to divide us into Pro- and Anti-. While we fight among ourselves, they profit and enslave us.” – Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD
  • The next Pandemic will come. COVID19 was way too profitable for the next one not to be around the corner.
  • I’m optimistically betting on an awakening by the masses as civil liberties and the pursuit of happiness are further restricted. A Renaissance of sorts where turning off the media and turning on your mind will become in-vogue.


What can we do?

“No problem can be solved by the same level of consciousness that created it.” –Einstein

  • Stop watching / reading mainstream news. If we all stop watching, they will have to start reporting different stories. Not just things exposing vaccine corruption – positive stories about all the amazing people doing amazing work in this world. The best ‘news’ I have found to stay updated is Solari’s subscription-based weekly money and markets reports.
    How to Get Rid of COVID19
  • Stop social media. Cal Newport style!
  • Vote for public officials who do not take big money. Period.
  • Use Cash. Refuse Digital (Control) Wallets.
  • Find a good local bank. Move your assets out of big banks.
  • Shop locally, don’t support elite big businesses.
  • Know your farmer.
  • “Decamp”- Move to a free state and support their economies. Make new friends, start a new life. It’s worth it. My family moved from California to Brandon, South Dakota in 2020 so the kids can attend full time, in-person school without masks. Choir, band, sports, etc. Freedom does still exist in the USA!
  • “Deplatform” – Support platforms that do not censor, promote propaganda, or track your every click. I’m not an expert on this, but here are some ideas I’ve heard: DuckDuckGo instead of Google for searches, Signal instead of Whatsapp / text messaging, Bitchute instead of Youtube, Parler or Gab or MeWe or Minds instead of Facebook and Twitter, Brave instead of Google Chrome, ProtonMail instead of Gmail, Rumble, etc. Go back to old-fashioned email newsletters for creators, websites and news sources that have been censored.
  • Stop wearing masks. They promote fear and anxiety, not to mention they don’t reduce the chance viral infections.
  • Stop using hand sanitizer all the time. We are asking for superbugs and suppressing our immune system with hand sanitizer. The immune system needs to practice before game day!
  • Refuse the vaccine until there are full clinical trials. Educate yourself about some of the concerns scientists are raising.
  • Make your landscaping plants edible. Plant fruit trees, blueberry bushes, turn grass into garden beds. Stock seeds for growing food. Regenerate the soil. Farm your land / patio plants biodynamically, no matter how small it might be. Start homesteading.
  • Stop hating, start loving: “I’m seeing a lot of fear. I’m seeing people lose their appreciation for the rest of humanity. Those divisions we’re building up between neighbors and family members and citizens may persist long after the pandemic has ended. Don’t let that happen!” – Mark Sisson
  • “Meantime, rise up. Stop complying. Stop avoiding the issue. Time for civil disobedience. Be polite. Be respectful. Honor your fellow humans who are stuck in a state of panic and fear. Spread love not hate. Wash your hands. Share a smile. Hug someone. And turn off the TV.” – Holistic Urgent Care



Q: This article is depressing. Where do you find inspiration and hope?
A: I agree, it’s easy to get depressed about this topic. I find inspiration and hope in many places. Most importantly, in the small, everyday, boring things that happen in my life. The flower that blooms, the child whose eyes light up. Beyond that, for COVID19, I like Holistic Urgent Care on Facebook, and more generally Krishna Das’s weekly online satsangs (questions about half way through the chanting), Mark Sisson’s Sunday with Sission, Jonathan Huie’s daily inspiration. Please write in with more inspiration and hope ideas to add to this list – we could all use them.

Q: Are you a Republican? Where do you stand on US politics?
A: I am a thinker. I agree with the Republicans on some issues, the Democrats on some issues, and neither party on other issues. For example, since both parties promote the use of masks for COVID19, I don’t agree with either. I pray for more critical thinkers in this world, who don’t just follow and blindly repeat the media they are being fed. In terms of who I support in US politics, I am a fan of the work of Noem Chomsky, George Shultz, Kristi Noem. Yes, I just said all 3 in the same sentence. They are real people who are thoughtful and seem to care more about humanity than their pocketbooks.
Q: My grandma died of COVID19. This is a big deal, please don’t minimize it.
A: My grandmother died of COVID over 16 years ago too. Yes, despite multiple pre-existing conditions, she ended up dying of the common cold in the hospital. On her death certificate, they put something like heart disease…. Anyway, yes, people are dying of COIVD, I have no doubt. Statistically speaking, people are more likely to die of other diseases and illnesses than they are of COVID19. My logical brain wins out over my emotional brain in the writing of this article. (Hard for the logical brain to win if I am anxious or fearful though.)
Q: So you don’t recommend any prevention for COVID19?
A: Sleep at least 8 hours a night, exercise, de-stress, and most importantly stop eating sugar and processed foods. This is the best way to stay healthy and avoid disease, pandemic or not. Beyond that, I recommend the normal winter-time cold and flu prevention, which is 2k Vitamin C and 15kIUs Vitamin D3. This is nothing my family doesn’t normally do every winter. I actually think we all should and will eventually get COVID19. It’s healthy for our immune systems to get 1-2 colds a year. COVID19 is an excellent exercise for our immune systems.
Q: What about future pandemics? Is there anything we should do to prepare for them?
A: We were lucky that COVID19 wasn’t very deadly, in stark contrast to something like Ebola. Personally, here’s what I stock in my house in the “pandemic-emergency” category:

Q: What’s it like in South Dakota, in terms of COVID19 and personal freedoms?
A: So far, life is fantastic in South Dakota. The state is beautiful, the people are well-educated, healthy, kind, and hard working. The schools, roads, and traffic are significantly better than in California. There have been no restrictions on personal freedoms as long as we’ve been here. Some stores are requiring masks, but there are plenty of stores to shop at without masks. In terms of COVID19, according to my spreadsheet, we hit herd immunity here around November 2020. Almost everyone we know here has had COVID19, and none of them have been hospitalized or had any complications. People aren’t locked up in their houses afraid. Businesses are booming.


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Last Updated: Mar 23, 2023 @ 4:05 pm

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8 thoughts on “COVID19: The Monetization of Fear

  1. I found your site a few years ago and am so darn impressed with what you have achieved both for your family’s health and then this web site for others. I tried to look for my cause here on your site. As time went on my cause is poison and overdose creamed my nitric oxide. That doctor kept my out of assisted living but the California lock down kept me from one of the treatments, thus still working now with another doctor. Both doctors are inventors, genius, and both protocols are new in US. Glad to share if you are interested as I want to see people thrive. All my doctors think as you do, and of course I do. I intuitively knew something was way off with the first “mask” request. I learned of the medias ways in the 70s. So once again, thank you for this email, so refreshing and I am sharing it. Thank you Susan, my best, Carolyn

    • Yes, please share what doctors and what protocols they are doing. Also, please share what happened in the 70s that made you skeptical of media? Best wishes in your healing journey.

  2. Bravo Susan! Agree with everything you wrote. I discovered you website last year after I listened Evan Brand´s podcast with you. I often check you site for some clues, right now I am planning to do liver/gallbladder flush for me and my husband.
    I am wondering if you have Instagram, I would like to follow you there.

  3. I enjoyed this article very much Susan. Thank you for taking the time to write what so many of us are thinking and giving us your tips. I look forward to reading more on your website. Blessings

  4. Susan, You are brilliant and an inspiration. I have had similar health issues and have seen the same doctors. I agree with you in that no one has all the answers so your website gives me hope to keep marching on. By the way, I am a retired Nurse Practitioner and cannot fathom how you acquired all the medical knowledge you possess. You are a genius.

    As far as COVID is concerned. I am currently in California and just about everyone I know is still freaked and has gotten the vaccine. Rules are improving but I don’t trust that we will continue the path back to freedom. I have mentally adjusted to leaving this State if vaccine passports begin.
    Thank you for everything

  5. I have found this website to be a lifesaver. I apologize for this random question but I will also be leaving California. What moving company did you use? Thank you so much,

    • Sorry for the delay. There were few options when I moved because so many were leaving California. I was able to get a partial trailer from U-Pack. Good luck and I hope you found more freedom elsewhere.

  6. Thanks for the reply Susan, your response is actually perfect timing. Hope you and your family are doing well. I will be leaving California soon since the dictatorship here is resuming.

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