Getting rid of multi-cellular parasites is one of the most difficult steps on the journey to health. They tend to be everywhere and hard to kill. If you do kill them, they release toxins as they die. They can die in all kinds of inconvenient places that take a while for our bodies to excrete. Often they have to be hit long (years), hard (high doses of medications) and from multiple angles (multiple medications & treatments). Getting rid of parasites is not for wimps!
If you aren’t feeling sick, you’re not killing parasites
What kind of sick feelings can I expect?
Is there anything that can reduce the sick feelings?
Once you start, don’t stop
If you’re not sick anymore from the same medication, the parasites are either gone or down to very few
Further reading on parasites
If you aren’t feeling sick, you’re not killing parasites
That’s right, if you’re not sick during your parasite cleansing, then you’re not killing them. Sometimes I hear of people claiming an herbal or homeopathic remedy works. Typically they are not very sick during the parasite treatment. Sometimes their symptoms go away. Guess what? The parasites move deeper into the organs/body to escape the herbs and homeopathics. The symptoms may go away for months or even years, but they will come back with a vengeance.
The only way to get rid of long-standing multi-cellular parasites is with medications that hit long (2-4 week rounds over many years) and hard (high doses). The process of getting rid of parasites will often take years, with many varying medications.
The good news is that the sick feeling is worst on the first round and typically decreases from there. Something like this is typical:

If you are taking parasite medications and aren’t feeling very sick, then most likely you aren’t taking enough. In my experience, we don’t currently have any practitioners who are able to prescribe enough kinds of parasite medications in high enough doses. The only way is to take the parasite cleansing into your own hands.
The first round of medications is most important. The goal is to take as many medications in as high doses as possible. I use muscle testing to figure this out. The first round goal is to kill as many parasites as quickly as possible, before they try to hide deeper in the body.
The break between medication rounds is to try to coax those that did hide deeper in the body to come back out to more killable locations. It’s also a chance for you to recover your sanity. No joke.
For long-standing worm and fluke infections, most likely many, many rounds of 2-6 weeks of varying medications will be needed. For a few years.
What kind of sick feelings can I expect?
The sick feelings vary depending on the person and type of parasite. Generally speaking:
- Exhaustion
- Brain Fog
- General weakness
- Nausea
- Cramps
- Sweats
- Weird tastes in mouth
- Lack of appetite
- Diarrhea
- Black stool
- Heart flutters
- Eyesight changes
- Back pain
- Depression
Depending on what kind of parasites and where they are in the body, symptoms often correlate with the Tooth-Organ chart. So although the above list are common symptoms of parasites dying, in reality the symptoms could be anything and everything.
Is there anything that can reduce the sick feelings?
Generally, no, you are going to be sick while killing larger parasites. Of all the things I have tried over the years to make myself less sick, here’s what I found that might help.
- Enemas – Sometimes enemas can help wash away the toxins and parasite pieces that might be bothering you. If your primary symptom is brain fog especially, try the enema. Water is fine, but if you can take it, putting some of the parasite medications in the enema is even better.
- Exercise, yoga – Exercise and/or yoga can help move toxins through the body. It also can distract your mind and generally make you feel better.
- E3 Live or DMSA or other chelation – Sometimes E3 Live, DMSA, or even homeopathic chelation can help coax those toxins out of the body.
- Drainage remedy– Depending on where lymph nodes might be swollen or what part of the body is stuck.
Once you start, don’t stop
Once you start a round of parasite medications, don’t stop. If a round is stopped or reduced, the parasites might be able to hide before they die. They could also develop immunity to the medication, but that is unlikely given how long that process takes and how few people use these medications.
The key is to plan your schedule so you can take time off and have down time during a parasite round. Especially Round 1, but this also applies to Round 2. Give yourself permission and time to heal.
Generally one will start feeling sick around day 3-5. A typical round is 21 days long.
It can feel impossible to keep going when the sick feelings are very strong. One idea is to change things up without stopping. Instead of taking the medication twice a day, for example, try splitting it up into smaller doses 3-4x per day. Try taking it after a meal instead of before a meal. But whatever you do, don’t stop.
If you’re not sick anymore from the same medication, the parasites are either gone or down to very few.
When parasites are gone or down to very few, the majority of parasite medications can be taken without any sickness. Even in large doses. Below is a table that summarizes the details of each medication, and sickness to be expected with and without parasites.
Medication | Type of parasite | Will you be sick if you have the parasite? | Will you be sick if you no longer have parasites? | Other notes |
Ivermectin | Protozoan | No | No | Well tolerated, even in high doses |
Albendazole | Protozoan | No | No | Sometimes prescribed for worms. If it starts killing worms, then “Yes, follows curve above” |
Tinidazole | Protozoan | No | No | In the class of antibiotics. Can ruin your gut and your health if you aren’t careful. |
Alinia | Protozoan | No | No | Tough on the liver, gut and organs. Would avoid if possible. |
Mebendazole | Worms | Yes, follows curve above | Not really, but cause tummy aches in high doses | Often no tummy aches if you have worms |
Diethyl carbamazine | Worms | Yes, follows curve above | Not really, but can cause tummy aches in any dose | Can cause tummy aches if you have worms. Should be taken encapsulated. |
Pyrantel Pamoate | Worms | Yes, follows curve above | No | |
Levamisole | Worms | Yes, follows curve above | No, but can cause tummy aches in high doses | |
Piperazine | Worms | Yes, follows curve above | No | |
Praziquantel | Flukes | Yes, follows curve above | No | Often when a round is done or there are no more parasites dying, one will start to get a metallic taste in the mouth |
Almost everyone in our family of four has had to take every single one of these medications at one point or another. Personally, I have taken every single one of these, plus a few more that aren’t useful or common enough to be on the list.
Sometimes medications are stopped, symptoms are gone, and then a few months or years later symptoms come back. This means either there were a few parasites left after the last round, or you have been re-infected.
Further Reading on Parasites
I have written many articles on parasites, please read them first before commenting or asking a question:
Parasites in Humans – Long Overview
Are Parasite Medications Safe?
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Thank you, Susan. I saw the notification that you had a new post and rushed to read it. I have an appointment to see Dr Yu next week. I have been self- medicating for months and have made many mistakes. I realize I need support in order to do things in proper sequence and dosage. By the time I found your website, I had been taking medications for months. I’ve read 98% of your website…watched all your videos. The most challenging thing has been to teach myself how to self muscle-test. I live alone and I’m almost 70 yrs old. COVID isolation was rough. No one available to learn with or practice muscle testing. I hope it’s not too late for me to heal. My diet is similar to yours… mostly vegetables, high quality red meat/ proteins, no sugar/ flour / processed foods. Cook all my meals at home. Do you have any suggestions on techniques or methods for me to use and learn self-muscle testing? Thank you for this website, I appreciate the time, effort, and energy you have given. You have the heart of a teacher. ❤️
Thanks for the kind words. I have on my to-do list to do an article and/or video on self muscle testing. I use it all the time. It might be a little while, the next article was written on vacation last June.
Best wishes on your healing journey.